A photo of a poorly decorated birthday cake is going viral on social media for the best reason. Lisa Sarber Aldrich posted the story behind the cake on her Facebook page Sunday.
In her post, Aldrich explained that she went into a Meijer store in Caledonia, Michigan to have a birthday cake decorated. She picked the cake out and asked a “bakery-looking-employee” to write, “Happy Birthday Mandy” on it for her.
After a long time waiting, the employee came out and presented the cake. Aldrich wrote, “I looked her In the eye and said thank you before I even looked at the cake.” Little did she know, that thank you would likely make the employee’s day. After thankingher, Aldrich looked at the cake, laughed nervously, and headed to checkout.
Despite knowing what the cake looked like, Aldrich decided to purchase it and wouldn’t accept a discount when employees saw it at the register. After paying, another employee came up to her and explained how her cake decorator has Autism. The employee also thanked Aldrich for being so kind and thanking the Autistic woman for her decorating job.
Picked out a cake at Meijer. Asked bakery-looking-employee if she could write on it for me. She said she would, and…
Posted by Lisa Sarber Aldrich on Sunday, November 29, 2015
Since its posting, Aldrich’s story has reached thousands of people and been picked up by news stations. Aldrich added in an update, “The wonderful lady who helped me with the cake did NOT get in trouble- they told her to do whatever she needed to do to serve the customer’s needs, and she did just that.”
Aldrich’s story proves that kindness goes a long way, even when it comes to a simple thank you to an employee at a grocery store.