Try Looking At These Animal Fails Without Laughing

Here's the thing... Nobody is going to look at these pups and kittens without cracking a smile. I don't care if your heart has been frozen since the '60s. These babies are about to give you a nice good thaw. So stretch out those facial muscles and get ready for some belly-laughs.

A Dog Who Knows What He Wants


It's a picture, pup! In any event, animals can be quite funny if you pay attention to them or catch them in a funny act. Thankfully for you, we have compiled numerous photos of animal fails. We bet you will not be able to get through the whole thing without laughing.


Panda Down

"This slide looks fun! No one is around to enjoy it with me or take a picture for zoo bulletin board so I guess I'll go down by myself. Oh my gosh, this is terrifying, someone please help! Well, I'm never doing that again."
"This slide looks fun! No one is around to enjoy it with me or take a picture for zoo bulletin board so I guess I'll go down by myself. Oh my gosh, this is terrifying, someone please help! Well, I'm never doing that again."

Here we see a slide and a panda doing a headstand. The only feasible explanation is that the panda went down the slide headfirst and attempted to jump off before the end because it was too scary for him or her. Let us just put ourselves in the shoes (or fur) of the panda to imagine what he or she was thinking.


Super Raccoon

"Oh boy, there goes some trash on the ground! I see those other animals do this all the time, all I have to do is leap and spread my arms. Okay, here goes nothing. Wait, what is happening? Why aren't I soaring through the air? This is going to hurt."
"Oh boy, there goes some trash on the ground! I see those other animals do this all the time, all I have to do is leap and spread my arms. Okay, here goes nothing. Wait, what is happening? Why aren't I soaring through the air? This is going to hurt."

Now what we have here looks like it did not end well at all. It is pretty unfortunate for the raccoon as it looks like he might be injured when it lands on the ground. Hopefully, they're planning to land like a cat so the fall won't be as bad.


Poor Kitty

"I'll just take a nap here until they get home. I should be fine. Oh is that the garage? I better move, but I'm too comfortable so I hope they stop the machine. Oh no, they are not stopping the machine."
"I'll just take a nap here until they get home. I should be fine. Oh is that the garage? I better move, but I'm too comfortable so I hope they stop the machine. Oh no, they are not stopping the machine."

Cats are unbelievably flexible and have a high amount of dexterity for such soft and small animals. In this cat's case, it looks like none of those skills were used as it got caught in this messy situation. Luckily, neighbors spotted the kitty (named Bella) and the police were able to rescue her.


Where Is Everyone Else?

"Finally, I have arrived! And I got here before everyone else but I wonder what is taking them so long? They said fly West first before heading South, didn't they? I wonder why there isn't much water here. That person is taking a picture of me and I think I'm lost."
"Finally, I have arrived! And I got here before everyone else but I wonder what is taking them so long? They said fly West first before heading South, didn't they? I wonder why there isn't much water here. That person is taking a picture of me and I think I'm lost."

This is rather strange seeing just one single goose in the middle of the parking lot on a slither of water. Where are the rest of her friends and why is she so calm about the whole thing? A lot of questions need to be asked here but let's just see what the goose was thinking.


The Deer That Slipped


Off into the distance, there was a majestic deer. A deer that many have heard about but few have actually seen. This deer was said to be a reject from The North Pole and ended up in the woods. What was so majestic about this deer is that it was able to sit on its bottom just like a human can.


"Looks like I have to cross this ice to get to my destination. I hope it's safe. Well, besides from being ridiculously cold it is not so bad. Oh my goodness, help! Boy, I hope no one got a glimpse of that."


Trapped in the Guitar


First things first, how did this little guy even get his way in there? Well, it is not completely unfathomable for him to find a way in there, but the fail is now he cannot find its way out. He also has the smug little look on his face that could be saying a lot.


"Oh look, a nice little tunnel for me to sleep in. It even has protection so not everyone can just slide in. I bet I can fit in there. Hey, it is pretty comfortable in here too! Okay, let's go get something to eat, wait what is this trickery? Why are you staring at me? Get me out of here!"


The Thieving Kitty

"I notice that the boy is enjoying that stick of his. I wonder what is quite so enjoyable about it? Can't be that cool if he put it down, let's go check it out. Whoops, now it's stuck on me. This stick isn't that great, get that camera out of my face."
"I notice that the boy is enjoying that stick of his. I wonder what is quite so enjoyable about it? Can't be that cool if he put it down, let's go check it out. Whoops, now it's stuck on me. This stick isn't that great, get that camera out of my face."

A crying baby in his underwear and a cat with a lollipop stuck to its fur with a mean mug. Something must have gone wrong here. And the owner is just enjoying it all as he or she snaps the picture that probably got about 75 likes on Facebook. The kitten had no clue what was going on.


The Chubby Squirrel

"Come on, Jeff, you are slowing the rest of the pack down! Man, Jeff is always sluggish and behind the pack, I don't even think he will be able to fit in this new tree hole we found. All right Jeff, your turn, let's go! Oh no, Jeff are you all right?"
"Come on, Jeff, you are slowing the rest of the pack down! Man, Jeff is always sluggish and behind the pack, I don't even think he will be able to fit in this new tree hole we found. All right Jeff, your turn, let's go! Oh no, Jeff are you all right?"

All squirrels are not created equal and here is visual evidence. The hole in the tree is supposed to fit most if not all squirrels, so just how many nuts has this chubby guy been engulfing? His diet surely consists of more than three acorns a day like his fellow buddies. He probably sneaks in some midnight snacks here and there.


When The Day Gets Worse


It's already bad enough that his family probably was hunted down by a pack of lions earlier in the month or even earlier that day. Now some type of bird wants to sit on his head and drop one down his forehead. The disrespect is at an all-time high with this. The look on his face says it all.


"Man, I miss Uncle Ricky. Those lions always want to come and take someone from us. We have to do something about this! Our herd is just too small now to retaliate. Oh hey, buddy how's it going? Wait don't do that! That's just great, thank you for that."


Parrot on its Head

"The time has come where I must teach myself how to walk down a flight of stairs. I see the humans do it every day and they make it look so easy, so it must not be that hard. Squawk! This is harder than I thought! Why did I do this?"
"The time has come where I must teach myself how to walk down a flight of stairs. I see the humans do it every day and they make it look so easy, so it must not be that hard. Squawk! This is harder than I thought! Why did I do this?"

Polly want a cracker or does Polly want some stitches? This is called karma for talking back all the time. How does a bird even end up on its head like that when they can fly? Did he or she forget how to flap its wings or get too lazy in the process?


When Your Lunch Fights Back

"Okay I'll wait until it gets in perfect range then I shall lunge onto its beak. Finally, I can now travel to see my long lost brother at Imagination Lake. I hope he is ready for my presence."
"Okay I'll wait until it gets in perfect range then I shall lunge onto its beak. Finally, I can now travel to see my long lost brother at Imagination Lake. I hope he is ready for my presence."

In this scenario, we hope that the prey is the snake and not the other way around. That would be one bold snake if so. This bird was hungry and happened to choose the feistiest snake in the field. There is one other theory and that is the snake has some sort of control over the bird and is making it travel long distances for it.


The Most Awkward First Kiss

"What in the world, hey pal what are you doing in my home? Who even let you in? Stacey, where are you? How did this guy get inside? Stacey, are you there? Okay, clearly you came in when no one was home now I'm going to need you to leave. Hey, stop, what are you doing?!"
"What in the world, hey pal what are you doing in my home? Who even let you in? Stacey, where are you? How did this guy get inside? Stacey, are you there? Okay, clearly you came in when no one was home now I'm going to need you to leave. Hey, stop, what are you doing?!"

These birds are called Swallows and now we can see why. The audacity of the bird in the hole to try and pull this off is off the charts. How hungry could he be or how appalled is the bird that is trying to be swallowed as this is going on?


The Lizard's Last Bite

"Hey, big guy, yeah I'm talking to you! Why don't you lean down a bit so I can teach you a thing or two? You aren't so tough you know just because you're bigger. Take this! Welp, maybe that was not such a good idea."
"Hey, big guy, yeah I'm talking to you! Why don't you lean down a bit so I can teach you a thing or two? You aren't so tough you know just because you're bigger. Take this! Welp, maybe that was not such a good idea."

Lizard sees a cat and decides it would be a good idea to chomp onto the cat's nose. Now unless this is some punk cat, we are pretty sure this cat is going to attack back like a championship boxer in a prize fight. And it might just be the last time this lizard walks the streets.


The Panda that Failed

"Man, I'm tired of this siesta, I want to go play in the trees. I wish we could leave now. Maybe I'll wait until that person walks away and I'll make a run for it. Okay, here I go.. woah! Now I look like that panda from the slide."
"Man, I'm tired of this siesta, I want to go play in the trees. I wish we could leave now. Maybe I'll wait until that person walks away and I'll make a run for it. Okay, here I go.. woah! Now I look like that panda from the slide."

Such a nice scene to see, a group of pandas just laying down minding their own business. That is until one panda decides to mess up the tranquility and make a run for it! It doesn't get far before it realizes that they are elevated off the ground. That is when things get interesting and slightly cute.


Cat Caught Between Dimensions


This cat has put herself in a seriously sticky situation. We mentioned earlier how flexible cats are and this further proves that statement. Whatever made this cat think that it was a good idea to slide in between this tight space is beyond us and by the looks of his face, he just might be in pain.


"Oh look, a sliver of space for me to try and slide in. Let's see if I fit. Okay, my head fit, now let's see if I can go even further. Welp, I can't go anymore someone get me out of here, quick!"


Mission Impossible: Mouse Trap

"Okay now is my time to get from under this guy's pillow. There was no cheese and I just want to go back home now. Welp wasn't expecting anyone to see me doing this, awkward."
"Okay now is my time to get from under this guy's pillow. There was no cheese and I just want to go back home now. Welp wasn't expecting anyone to see me doing this, awkward."

This mouse has got some nerve to be pulling this off. And what makes it even funnier is the look on its face when the person is taking a picture. It is looking like he knows he just got caught up doing some slick stuff that has never been seen before. This might be a common practice in the mouse community but this was the first time it was captured on film.


All Paws Matter


This cat is looking like these are the last moments it will have on this earth because she's on her last life. Possibly, they wasted her past eight lives trying to cross the street chasing the neighborhood mouse and getting hit by a car. Now as she faces her imminent doom, the only thing to do is cry for dear life.




The Armless Creature


This is either a mean joke or one of the best animal fails of all time. We will go with the latter because the look on this little guy's face is priceless. The toilet paper roll must have been something he was eyeing because it looks like he dove right in as soon is it became free of toilet paper.


"Yes, the roll is now available for me to play with! Let's see what I can do with this. Oh, this is interesting, my head can fit inside of it! Wait, my arms, I can't use my arms! What am I going to do?"


When Visiting the Ninja Turtles Goes Wrong

"The Turtles said they would have pizza for me and how surprising, they were nowhere to be found when I get there. I'm never going back again. Oh no, what is happening? How did I get in here! Now I can't get out!"
"The Turtles said they would have pizza for me and how surprising, they were nowhere to be found when I get there. I'm never going back again. Oh no, what is happening? How did I get in here! Now I can't get out!"

Another raccoon here and this one is in a funny situation. Raccoons are known to be nosey and adventurous, and you might just find one in your house digging through your trash one night. How they get in your house is a question best saved for another day. How this raccoon ended up stuck with his head looking like it is about to be chopped off can only be explained one way.


Let Me In Or Else

"Why did you leave me out here if you knew that it was going to rain?! You better let me in right meow! Are you taking- seriously, are you taking a photo right now?!? That's it. I will get revenge."
"Why did you leave me out here if you knew that it was going to rain?! You better let me in right meow! Are you taking- seriously, are you taking a photo right now?!? That's it. I will get revenge."

It's common knowledge that cats don't like getting wet, so when this kitty was stuck outside during a downpour of rain, he was understandably upset. Instead of letting him inside right away, the owner decided to take a photo of the cat, looking like he's about ready to kill someone for leaving him outside.


The Unfortunate Manatee

" Well, that's the last time I go to play at the octopuses' garden. I hate vegetables and now I have one over my face, my arms are too short, and I don't have any thumbs. Darn you evolution!"
" Well, that's the last time I go to play at the octopuses' garden. I hate vegetables and now I have one over my face, my arms are too short, and I don't have any thumbs. Darn you evolution!"

This manatee clearly dislikes his greens. Like any small child, it would rather play with its vegetables than eat them. In this case, this manatee feels that wearing this lettuce as a hat is a more practical use for it rather than eating it.


The Tubby Hamster

"Nooooo! My favorite piece of food fell into the dark hole of despair! It's okay, I got this, I just need to reach a little bit further...uh oh. I'm stuck. Hello? Is there anybody there? Oh no, I think he left for school already."
"Nooooo! My favorite piece of food fell into the dark hole of despair! It's okay, I got this, I just need to reach a little bit further...uh oh. I'm stuck. Hello? Is there anybody there? Oh no, I think he left for school already."

What we have here is a classic case of an animal that doesn't fully grasp its own size. Yes, you are small little hamster, but maybe you should log in some more time on the wheel or inside of the ball if you ever want to fit into that hole.


The Curious Hedgehog

"Alright, this is it, I've been waiting for this eclipse for months. I even made a device that I saw on YouTube so I can see it better. I'm pretty sure I nailed it. burnnns! Help! I can't get it off!"
"Alright, this is it, I've been waiting for this eclipse for months. I even made a device that I saw on YouTube so I can see it better. I'm pretty sure I nailed it. burnnns! Help! I can't get it off!"

It's not every day that you get to see a hedgehog sitting upright like a human, so today is your lucky day. Our little spiky friend looks as though he has given up completely, accepted his fate, and now has nothing but time on his hands.


The Silly Panda

"Hey, mom! Mom! Look at me I'm upside down! Whoa, everything looks crazy like this... Uh oh, I'm getting dizzy. I can't get back upright. I knew I shouldn't have skipped abs yesterday."
"Hey, mom! Mom! Look at me I'm upside down! Whoa, everything looks crazy like this... Uh oh, I'm getting dizzy. I can't get back upright. I knew I shouldn't have skipped abs yesterday."

Is this fluffy guy in trouble, or is he having the time of his life? I guess we'll never truly know. For this panda, his world was literally turned upside down and it appears that he hasn't even realized it yet.


Confused Dog

"Is this on? Son? Can you hear me? I don't think it's working, I can't see anything. Hang on, let me turn it around. Oh, wow! I scared myself."
"Is this on? Son? Can you hear me? I don't think it's working, I can't see anything. Hang on, let me turn it around. Oh, wow! I scared myself."

Rarely are the words technology and dogs ever used in the same sentence. However, it appears that this dog has stumbled upon a smart phone and opened up the front facing camera. Yes, it looks like a 50-year old man's Facebook profile picture, but that's an undeniably good looking dog.


The Loyal Hound

"I know I told myself I wouldn't let him do this anymore. It's downright humiliating. But every time he comes back he gives me one of those treats. Those things are like crack. Okay, THIS is the last time."
"I know I told myself I wouldn't let him do this anymore. It's downright humiliating. But every time he comes back he gives me one of those treats. Those things are like crack. Okay, THIS is the last time."

You know what they say, a dog is man's best friend. They greet you when you come home, they keep you company, you can use them as a pillow, and hey, if you really need to, you can put your coffee on their head and come back to it later.


The Pup That had a Long Day

"Oh look over there! This smells good! What was that? There's so much to do and explore! I'm just going to run in circles. 1,2,3,4,5,6 circles!...I need a nap. This looks like a good spot.
"Oh look over there! This smells good! What was that? There's so much to do and explore! I'm just going to run in circles. 1,2,3,4,5,6 circles!...I need a nap. This looks like a good spot.

We've all been there, had a day that was so long that you physically can't even make it to the bed. This pup surely tuckered himself out after a long day on gnawing on chair legs and peeing in the house. It's a ruff life.


Gamer Cat

"Okay mom, you caught me, but hear me out. I know that I'm supposed to be in bed but please, you have to let me beat this level. I'm so close and then I'll go right to be I promise."
"Okay mom, you caught me, but hear me out. I know that I'm supposed to be in bed but please, you have to let me beat this level. I'm so close and then I'll go right to be I promise."

Just like dogs, cats and technology don't tend to go hand in hand. Yet, here we have a cat playing a Game Boy and caught red handed too. Looks like the owner came home early and interrupted his game time.


Serpent Suppertime

"Ah ha! I finally caught it! Everyone said that I'd never be able to do it, but look at me now. Hmmm, what now? Uh oh, I'm stuck inside of my own mouth. Well this is embarrassing."
"Ah ha! I finally caught it! Everyone said that I'd never be able to do it, but look at me now. Hmmm, what now? Uh oh, I'm stuck inside of my own mouth. Well this is embarrassing."

As if snakes weren't mysterious enough, this one is eating itself. But who knows, maybe it's a biological thing, maybe it's not. Either way, better to have the snake eating itself than eating me.


The Morning After...

"Oh, my head. How did I end up on the ground? Need water, right now. I can't believe you guys talked me into coming over last night. I know I've said it before but I'm actually never drinking again. Hey! Who put nail polish on my whiskers!"
"Oh, my head. How did I end up on the ground? Need water, right now. I can't believe you guys talked me into coming over last night. I know I've said it before but I'm actually never drinking again. Hey! Who put nail polish on my whiskers!"

It looks as though this feline cut loose with the boys last night. He's in for a rude awakening with probably no idea how he ended up on the ground or anything that happened the night before for that matter.


Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun


Whoever said that dogs hate loud noises has clearly never met this dog. He's in the zone, volume all the way up to 10, having the time of his life. Definitely do not throw off this pup's groove or he'll make sure you never find your right shoe.


"If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you If I could just hold you, tonight."


The Unemployed Cat

"Oh man, what a day. I'm just going to put my feet up for a few minutes... Hey, honey! Let me know when it's time for me to throw the steaks on the grill. Also, did you delete my recording of Chopped?!"
"Oh man, what a day. I'm just going to put my feet up for a few minutes... Hey, honey! Let me know when it's time for me to throw the steaks on the grill. Also, did you delete my recording of Chopped?!"

This cat sure has mastered the art of chilling out. Nothing like clicking on the TV and drinking a cold one after a long day of doing nothing. Don't worry, he'll start looking for a job tomorrow, he swears.


Distraught Feline

"What?! What do you mean a meteor is about to hit earth? You drop this on me when I'm all wet? This is your fault! I told you that I can bathe myself, I do it every single day! Now I'm going to die like this, wet and ugly. Thanks, pal."
"What?! What do you mean a meteor is about to hit earth? You drop this on me when I'm all wet? This is your fault! I told you that I can bathe myself, I do it every single day! Now I'm going to die like this, wet and ugly. Thanks, pal."

On top of being soaking wet, which is clearly this cat's worst nightmare, it looks like he was just told that a meteor is about to strike earth in the next 30 seconds. An all around bad day for this miserable little guy.


The Suspicious Cat

"Yes, yes, that's it, just a little bit closer. C'mon just a few more steps and I'll finally have caught you. They'll never even suspect it was me, no, of course, they won't. I'm just the cute family cat, or at least that's what they think."
"Yes, yes, that's it, just a little bit closer. C'mon just a few more steps and I'll finally have caught you. They'll never even suspect it was me, no, of course, they won't. I'm just the cute family cat, or at least that's what they think."

Plain and simple, this cat looks like it's up to no good. I would hate to be this cat's owner, and by the looks of it, they're going to wish they weren't either. By the way he's rubbing his paws together, it's like someone is seconds from walking right into his trap.


The Fabulous Frenchie

"Alright now it's gone too far. I can't even get it off if I wanted to! You know companies go out of business for doing things like this to animals. Not to mention you even got the shading all wrong. If you're going to do it, at least do it right."
"Alright now it's gone too far. I can't even get it off if I wanted to! You know companies go out of business for doing things like this to animals. Not to mention you even got the shading all wrong. If you're going to do it, at least do it right."

Okay, this is just wrong. As though this french bulldog didn't have enough self-esteem issues with its breathing problems, mushed-in face, and the fact that it can't swim? Now you go and do this to him? Shame on you. However, he's probably the most fabulous looking dog in the neighborhood.


That's the Spot


Some things are universal among humans and dogs. We both love attention, food, sleep, and those metal head massagers. Those things have the power to take you into a whole other dimension of pleasure, which is exactly what's happening to this doggo.


"Hey, wait, what's that? No, don't come near me with that, and definitely don't put it on my head! Seriously, stop...oh yeah, that's the spot, Hey, don't stop yet!"


To Infinity and Beyond

"Well this is unfortunate. All I wanted to do was play astronaut. My head fit in no problem, why can't I get it out? Ouch, that hurts! My head is in here you know? Oh man, my brothers and sisters are never going to let this go."
"Well this is unfortunate. All I wanted to do was play astronaut. My head fit in no problem, why can't I get it out? Ouch, that hurts! My head is in here you know? Oh man, my brothers and sisters are never going to let this go."

What started off as a good idea for this puppy quickly went south. Now, he has a fishbowl around his neck that's half the size he is, and getting it off isn't going to be fun. On the bright side, at least he can still see out of it.



"Alright, I've got this. I've made this jump a thousand times. This snow is pretty annoying but I'm a cat, so I can basically do anything. Okay, 1...2...3! Oh crap! I hope nobody saw that."
"Alright, I've got this. I've made this jump a thousand times. This snow is pretty annoying but I'm a cat, so I can basically do anything. Okay, 1...2...3! Oh crap! I hope nobody saw that."

Although cats are renowned for being incredibly agile, fast, and for always landing on their feet, this one is about to learn a tough lesson. Before committing to this rather far leap, the cat didn't seem to have factored in the snow. It was at this exact moment, the cat knew it messed up.


What Kind of Dog is This?

"When I first thought of this I knew it was a good idea, but I had no idea how good of an idea it turned out to be. Hopefully, my human never wants this hat back. Okay, now I have to pee. uh oh."
"When I first thought of this I knew it was a good idea, but I had no idea how good of an idea it turned out to be. Hopefully, my human never wants this hat back. Okay, now I have to pee. uh oh."

Is it a turtle, a dog, both? It's definitely a weird looking turtle and an even weirder looking dog. To be completely honest, the dog doesn't even look that bothered by its situation. It's probably happy to have as much mass tacked onto it as possible since it's such a small dog in our big world.


She Wants To Drive


Apparently, someone left the kids' car nearby the cow pasture, and Bessie wanted to take a turn behind the wheel. Her head perfectly fits inside the car, but she can't seem to figure out how to get it off. No doubt this other cow is staring and judging. The people who found the cow like this must have gotten a good laugh before helping her out.


"Hey, what's this? Oo, I want to drive. Look at me Maggie, I'm driving! Beep, beep, get out of the way! Ah, I think I'm stuck. Maggie! Help me, Maggie."


Hanger Cat Doesn't Need Your Help

"Ah, yes, this space looks nice. Let me just tuck and crawl through here... keep crawling, keep crawling. Nap time... wait a minute. This is a little harder to get out of than I thought. Oh no, here comes my human. Ah, they're taking a photo. Stop. Get me out."
"Ah, yes, this space looks nice. Let me just tuck and crawl through here... keep crawling, keep crawling. Nap time... wait a minute. This is a little harder to get out of than I thought. Oh no, here comes my human. Ah, they're taking a photo. Stop. Get me out."

Cats are always looking for a safe place to curl up into and take a nap. Most of the time, they barely fit in the space that they choose, but that doesn't seem to matter to them, as their fluffy coats keep them comfy in even the weirdest places. Here this cat found a nap spot in the closet. They gracefully crawled and slipped into the space between the clothes and hangers, but it looks like they have no exit plan.


Is This Considered Cannibalism?

"Well this is rubbery delight! No matter how hard I chomp, I just can't seem to tear up this material... Hmm, what's this? Another crocodile's picture is on this thing? Hmm, must have belonged to him previously. Oh well."
"Well this is rubbery delight! No matter how hard I chomp, I just can't seem to tear up this material... Hmm, what's this? Another crocodile's picture is on this thing? Hmm, must have belonged to him previously. Oh well."

This next one isn't so much of a fail as it is ironic. This crocodile must have been swimming in a polluted swamp or river for there to be random shoes floating around in the water! But does the crocodile know that it's chewing on a Crocs sandal? Probably not. Irony is lost on animals.


The Buck That Wanted To Ball

"Help! There's a round thing stuck on my head! It doesn't hurt, but it sure is bothersome. Darn these hooves! There is no easy way to get this thing off. I've been trying for days! Someone please, please, pleeease take me out of my misery!"
"Help! There's a round thing stuck on my head! It doesn't hurt, but it sure is bothersome. Darn these hooves! There is no easy way to get this thing off. I've been trying for days! Someone please, please, pleeease take me out of my misery!"

This poor deer probably saw this abandoned old basketball along the highway and thought it would be a new fun toy to play with. He was right, but unfortunately, his new discovery has betrayed him in the worst way by getting caught in its antlers. Hopefully, this young buck found a way to remove it!



"Well this is interesting. I'm not done eating my delicious score but I can't seem to reach the rest of it. And if I peck at it, then I'm only hurting myself. Darn you piece of delicious bread! You have ultimately forsaken me!"
"Well this is interesting. I'm not done eating my delicious score but I can't seem to reach the rest of it. And if I peck at it, then I'm only hurting myself. Darn you piece of delicious bread! You have ultimately forsaken me!"

Pigeons are notorious for hanging around areas where there is potentially a lot of crumb fall. Well, it seems that this pigeon got lucky by managing to score a whole slice of bread all to itself! We suppose that this pigeon was so excited that it ate its way right through the middle and ended up with a bread skirt or a bread necklace. It looks rather confused as to what had just happened, though.


Oh, (Rein)dear!

"What have I done! I could have sworn I saw something that might be dangerous. Are you just going to keep sitting there and watch? I was trying to protect you! So you should get your lazy butt up and help your mother!"
"What have I done! I could have sworn I saw something that might be dangerous. Are you just going to keep sitting there and watch? I was trying to protect you! So you should get your lazy butt up and help your mother!"

Uh, oh! It seems that this reindeer got itself into quite the situation. Perhaps it saw something that would potentially attack its baby in the brush, so it made a steadfast decision to try and attack before the sitatuation got worse. Well, it seems that this protective parent was just being overprotective and ended up digging up the brush with its antlers! Now it is all caught up on top of its head.


Get Off Of Me!

The birds: "What the heck, why did you choose this rock to chill on? Why is this wet rock moving so fast and making noises? Do you think we should go find another spot? Not sure, this is a pretty fun ride if you ask me."
The birds: "What the heck, why did you choose this rock to chill on? Why is this wet rock moving so fast and making noises? Do you think we should go find another spot? Not sure, this is a pretty fun ride if you ask me."

It looks like this hippo has some unwanted visitors on his back. He was probably enjoying a nice bath in the water when these birds arrived and settled on its back. Well, that's when the hippo lost it because it does not like to be caught off guard like that! It was probably just trying to relax, but these birds just messed up it personal time in the pool!


The Fox Should Have Smelled It Coming

"What this? Wait-- AHH! What is THIS SMELL? What did I ever do to you, you little punk? I was just trying to make a new friend! One thing is for sure, I know I don't have a friend in you!"
"What this? Wait-- AHH! What is THIS SMELL? What did I ever do to you, you little punk? I was just trying to make a new friend! One thing is for sure, I know I don't have a friend in you!"

This fox should have known better! It looks like a pretty young fox and the fact that it looks like it's smelling the skunk just tells us that the fox was probably just a bit curious about what this back and white striped animal was all about. Unfortunately, the fox definitely found out and got a nose full!


The Polar Leak

"Frank, what the heck?! Stop! Frank! Hello? Don't you see me down here beind you? Excuse you, this is our swimming water not your own personal toilet bowl! Have some decency, man!"
"Frank, what the heck?! Stop! Frank! Hello? Don't you see me down here beind you? Excuse you, this is our swimming water not your own personal toilet bowl! Have some decency, man!"

The poor polar bear swimming in the water didn't see this coming! It was probably just following its polar bear friend on a happy morning swim. Unfortunately, the bear doing its business didn't realize its pal was this close behind and decided to take a leak. The other bear must have peaked its head out of the water just in time to catch the fall.


The Muddy Pup

"Look human, I know I messed up. I'm sorry. Please don't punish me too hard for this! I won't fight you when you give me a bath, just please let me back in the house! I am cold, tired, and dirty and just want to go back to my bed."
"Look human, I know I messed up. I'm sorry. Please don't punish me too hard for this! I won't fight you when you give me a bath, just please let me back in the house! I am cold, tired, and dirty and just want to go back to my bed."

This puppy knows it messed up big time. There may be mud all over its head and front paws, but the expression on the dog's face tells us that it is remorseful about what it has done. Our guess is that this isn't the first time something like this has happened, so this dog knows the repercussions of playing in the mud. Look at the puppy dog eyes starting to form.


Cats Know No Bounds

"Yeah, I'm sitting here and I'm completely serious about it. I don't care (nor do I know) what all the fuss is about and why you are taking a picture of me while shaking your head in dismay. Just let me nap."
"Yeah, I'm sitting here and I'm completely serious about it. I don't care (nor do I know) what all the fuss is about and why you are taking a picture of me while shaking your head in dismay. Just let me nap."

This cat absolutely does not care about the rules. That is why it completely disregarded the wet paint sign that is referencing the wall the cat chose to sit on. Well, the joke is on the cat, because this pretty kitty will get more than it bargained for when it stands up and realizes there's paint all over its belly!


The Leap Of Faith

"Um, hello? Is anybody out there? Can I get some help with this? I honestly thought this was a trash can because I could have sworn I smelled food in here! Why do I hear laughing? What's going on out there?!"
"Um, hello? Is anybody out there? Can I get some help with this? I honestly thought this was a trash can because I could have sworn I smelled food in here! Why do I hear laughing? What's going on out there?!"

It looks like this raccoon got itself into quite a situation! Here it is stuck head first inside a military tank. The raccoon probably thought that it was a trash can filled with delicious goodies, so it jumped right in! Unfortunately, that maneuver wasn't enough for the raccoon to just slip through and now it is stuck.


Some Squirrely Business

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I'm stuck in here and look like a complete idiot. Either do something about it or keep walking, you cruel human. Don't just stand there laughing at my expense and taking pictures!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I'm stuck in here and look like a complete idiot. Either do something about it or keep walking, you cruel human. Don't just stand there laughing at my expense and taking pictures!"

This squirrel somehow was underneath the ground and was looking for a way back to the surface. We guess that it saw the light shining through the holes of this manhole cover and determined that that was its way out. It wasn't entirely wrong, but let's just say the squirrel didn't account for the fact that it would not fit through the hole!


The Dangerous Bite

"Well this looks like an interesting toy. I don't know why but I feel compelled to chew it. Here goes nothing... Wait, OUCH! What is this thing! Why does it hurt so much? And why is my human just taking pictures and not doing anything?!"
"Well this looks like an interesting toy. I don't know why but I feel compelled to chew it. Here goes nothing... Wait, OUCH! What is this thing! Why does it hurt so much? And why is my human just taking pictures and not doing anything?!"

Some cats seem to like to get their paws on a lot of random things to chew up. This cat just happened to choose a cactus as its next victim. Little does this cat know, that cacti have their own defenses against other animals but we suppose this cat found that out when it tried to take a bite! We hope the kitty didn't hurt itself too much!


Right In The--!

"Over here! Over here! I love fetch! Wait... OW! Ow, ow, ow. I missed! Oh well! Must catch ball and return to owner for more fun!"
"Over here! Over here! I love fetch! Wait... OW! Ow, ow, ow. I missed! Oh well! Must catch ball and return to owner for more fun!"

This dog must not be very coordinated. It looks like a playful little pup, who got a little overzealous with the latest game of catch. This dog seems to have predicted the throws before they were thrown and missed! Sadly, the ball hit a pretty sensitive area and we're very curious to know what was the result of this picture. At least we can guess what the dog was thinking.


St. Patrick's Day Pup

"I'm not sure why you're chastising and laughing at me at the same time. I was just enjoying the grass because you hardly ever let me go outside. I don't even see why my green fur is such a big deal. It's flattering! Let's just get the punishment over with and give me a bath."
"I'm not sure why you're chastising and laughing at me at the same time. I was just enjoying the grass because you hardly ever let me go outside. I don't even see why my green fur is such a big deal. It's flattering! Let's just get the punishment over with and give me a bath."

This golden retriever looks like it's ready for the next St. Patrick's Day Parade! The person who posted their pooch on Snapchat caught their dog rolling around in the freshly mowed grass. Everyone knows that that is not such a great idea because freshly cut grass can stain! This puppy learned the hard way.


The Failed Escape

"Look, I know it's ridiculous, but please just help me out. I know you're wondering how this happened and the truth is, I don't really know myself. Just help me out and I promise not to let it happen again."
"Look, I know it's ridiculous, but please just help me out. I know you're wondering how this happened and the truth is, I don't really know myself. Just help me out and I promise not to let it happen again."

We don't even have words to explain what happened here. Our best guess is that maybe this horse was trying to jump the fence and get to the other side? If that's the case then how did it get stuck in between the fence? We see no feasible way the horse could have gotten into this situation.


You Can't See Me!

"Patience. Patience. Gosh, this bread smells so good. I hope I can eat it after my human stops taking these humiliating pictures of me. At least they can't see my face and see that I'm rolling my eyes at them."
"Patience. Patience. Gosh, this bread smells so good. I hope I can eat it after my human stops taking these humiliating pictures of me. At least they can't see my face and see that I'm rolling my eyes at them."

Looks like this pup is one that likes to enjoy treats! It must be pretty well-trained for it to have a whole slice of bread wrapped about its snout without trying to eat it all. It's probably actually very confused as to why it's even in this situation, but the calmness that this dog exudes shows us that it is patiently waiting for the rewards.


Buy 35, Get The Cat For Free!

"Yes, I know this is a compromising situation, Pam. Just please help me out of here so we can both move on with our lives. You and I both know this isn't the first and it won't be the last time something like this happens, so just take your picture and let's move on."
"Yes, I know this is a compromising situation, Pam. Just please help me out of here so we can both move on with our lives. You and I both know this isn't the first and it won't be the last time something like this happens, so just take your picture and let's move on."

This picture deserves a huge face palm. Cats are notorious for getting themselves into tight situations so that they can be cozy. Well, this cat just happened to choose the pack of waters, but didn't know that it would get caught up quite like this! This cat is probably patiently waiting for its human to help it out, while meowing incessantly, of course.


This Armadillo Has Seen Better Days

"If I just continue to lay here and act dead, maybe the human will go away. This is why we armadillos drink so much. We can't see a human without it ogling at us and taking pictures. Sheesh!"
"If I just continue to lay here and act dead, maybe the human will go away. This is why we armadillos drink so much. We can't see a human without it ogling at us and taking pictures. Sheesh!"

Well, this certainly would have been quite a sight to drive upon during your cross country road trip. Not only is it rare for (most) people to see an armadillo, but for them to see one that is passed out from a beer is another story! This armadillo has probably had a long day at work and was just trying to enjoy an ice cold brew before you showed up to take a picture and ruin the mood.