The Most Amazing Maternity Photo Shoots Ever

Milk Bath Beauty


Milk bath maternity shoots have been around for a while, but expectant mom Keturah Antongiorgi definitely took it to the next level. The 26-year-old Keturah is a U.S. Army officer who is currently stationed in Texas. After her cousin shared some of her maternity photos on Twitter they quickly went viral with people across the Internet calling her absolutely stunning. We think she looks like the living embodiment of the flower Snaphchat filter. The photo has garnered thousands of retweets and we can definitely see why!

Keturah had the photos taken one month before the arrival of her firstborn, a son. She said, “Nine months seems like a long time, but it goes by so fast. Cherish the moment and do little things that are valuable to you — something you can look back on and cherish and say, you know what? I’m glad I was able to seize this opportunity and appreciate this moment.”