Parents Are Applauding This Mom’s Co-Parenting Calendar Hack

Divorce is something parents never wish to have to experience, but sometimes, it's a necessity. For their children, however, it's a shock that is difficult to understand and transition into.

So that's why one mom developed a visual co-parenting calendar to help their daughter better process living between two households, and the hack has gone viral on TikTok.

Meet Kinsey

Selfie of mom Kinsey Morlang from their Instagram account
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / Instagram
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / Instagram

Kinsey Morlang is a mother, and on social media is known as @skywalkeraa16_18.

Co-parenting can be a challenge for families to get used to, especially when there are young children involved. But Kinsey recently shared their hack for making this transition easier for kids to understand, and parents are applauding the simple yet creative solution.


The TikTok Hack


Kinsey's parenting hack has gone viral after receiving half a million views and over 40,000 likes on TikTok. In it, Kinsey shows a calendar that is designed for children who live between two households and is a visual guide that helps them understand when they'll be at each respective parent's home.


"This has been huge at our house!" Kinsey writes.


A Calendar Just For Kids

A photo of Kinsey's co-parenting calendar and a disclaimer that says it's not their daughters actual schedule, but just an example of what it looks like
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok

The video begins by showcasing a large dry-erase calendar that's been filled out with each day of the month and written in color-coordinated markers—in this case, blue and black.


Before diving into the video, Kinsey issues a disclaimer explaining this isn't their 4-year-old daughter's actual schedule, but one they put together just to illustrate how the process works.


Dad's Days And Mom's Days

Kinsey's co-parenting calendar that highlights how days of the month that are written in black is when their daughter is at her dad's house, and dates that are written in blue is when the daughter is at their home
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok

Throughout the calendar, you see different days of the month labeled in either blue or black marker, and Kinsey says that this design choice is for a very specific reason.


"So anything in black is her dad's days, and anything in blue would be my days," they explain.


Coming And Going

Red dots on Kinsey's co-parenting calendar that signify when their daughter is coming and going from each of her parents' homes
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok

In the corners of several calendar dates are red dots, and while the dots may be small, they have a very important significance for Kinsey's daughter and being able to understand her schedule.


Kinsey explains that the red dots signify "coming and going." So in this particular example, the first red dot signifies their daughter is starting the day at her dad's home, but then the second dot means that sometime during the day, she'd leave and come back to Kinsey's home.


Counting Days

Co-parenting calendar and Kinsey explaining how their daughter can count down the days so she knows the next time she'll be seeing her dad
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok

Kinsey says that each night before bedtime, they and their daughter erase the previous date, so that way if their daughter wakes up the next morning and asks when she gets to see her dad again, Kinsey will tell her to go look at her calendar.


"She will go and count 'one day, two days, three days, oh, I'm seeing my dad on the fourth day,' and she will know that sometime on this day she is leaving to go see her dad."


"A Sense Of Control"

Kinsey explains in a stand-up that this hack helps their daughter better understand her schedule and allows her to retain a sense of control and comfort
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / Tiktok
Photo Credit: @skywalkeraa16_18 / Tiktok

"My daughter had been struggling with transitions, so giving her a visual to look at gives her a sense of control over the situation which in turn, has given her comfort," Kinsey says.


In the TikTok, Kinsey also notes that this co-parenting calendar hack has been helpful to their daughter to also learn time management skills.


Loving The Idea

TikTok comment:
Photo Credit: skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok
Photo Credit: skywalkeraa16_18 / TikTok

Kinsey's co-parenting hack went viral and parents everywhere loved the idea. Some said that they are currently implementing a similar calendar for their kids, while other parents said they wish this had been a thing when they were children whose parents were going through a divorce.


"So much respect for you for taking time to make things more simplified for your baby. Kids need that," commented one user.