Objects that satisfyingly fit perfectly into other objects

There is something strangely gratifying when we find objects that fit perfectly inside other objects.

If you’ve ever discovered a penny fits inside of a hole or a box fits perfectly inside another box, you understand this feeling.

It brings a small moment of joy into our lives as we see a beautiful example of balance in the world.

So when we find those times that satisfy that need, we consider them small wins in our day and it’s only right that we share these moments with the rest of the world

Here are 10 photos of the most oddly satisfying real-life examples of this phenomenon in one place.

1. Laptop In Wooden Chair

2. Tuna Can in Sink


3. Sprinkles In Car Seat

4. Cookie In Coffee Top

5. TV In Wooden Cabinets

6. Snickers Bar In Change Slot

7. Scale In Bathroom Tile Floor

8. Faucet Water In Drain Hole

9. Wine Glass In Beer Glass

10. iPhone In Macbook Air