This mom makes amazing hard-boiled egg creations for her kids

hard boiled egg creation

3 years ago Anne Widya set out to make the perfect hard-boiled egg. She soon found that when the egg is easy to peel and the yolk is bright yellow or orange — it’s good to go.

In a post on Bored Panda she explains how she went from cooking the perfect hard-boiled egg to creating some amazing food art.

Here’s her story:

“In the beginning, I did not understand why some boiled egg were so hard to peel that I had to break the white part to remove the shell. I decided to use nori (dry seaweed) or sushi wrap to make a cute design out of that “broken” shape. My first creation was little chicks.

One cute design on the plate triggers another ideas. I bought paper tools to create eyes and mouth out of nori, but most of the time I just use scissors to shape the dry seaweed.

Now even though I have learned the tricks to make a smooth peeled egg, I still make funny egg designs for breakfast, lunch or dinner every now and then.”

Here are some of her very creative hard-boiled egg food creations.


hard boiled penguin eggs

Big bird and his yellow ball

big bird hard boiled eggs creation

Matilda, white angry bird

Matilda white angry bird hard boiled egg creation

Humpty dumpties

humpty dumpty hard boiled eggs


hard boiled egg caterpillar

Squeak squeak

Hard Boiled Egg Mice

Panda in the broccoli forest

Panda in the broccoli forest

Train rides

eggs riding on a cucumber train

Lasagna pig

hard boiled egg pig

Chirp chirp

Hard Boiled Eggs Hatching

Flying pigs

hard boiled eggs - flying pigs

You can see more of Anne Widya’s awesome work on her Instagram account.