Little kid freaks out after GPS says ‘bear right’

bare right - kid cries over GPS message

Little kids are adorable. Case in point, 3-year-old Austin was driving in the car with his parents and big sister when the GPS told them to “bear right.”

The little boys sister Ally pointed out that the screen on the car’s TomTom GPS said “bear right” and they both took those words literally.

Being young children, they didn’t realize that “bear” and “bear right” have two difference words.

Almost immediately their dad realized what they thought was happening and he turned on his camera to record their reaction.

Austin’s mom asks Abby what she heard. “So, is there a bear on Austin’s side?” she asks her daughter. “Yes,” Abby responds, which causes Austin to burst into tears.

When Austin’s mom says she thinks there’s a bear at the zoo, Austin suddenly doesn’t want to go to the zoo anymore.

Being his big sister Abby then proclaims: “I think there’s another bear who went in the woods, and maybe it went out.”

Austin cries more at the thought that there might be a loose bear from the zoo near him.

Mean joke? Maybe a little bit — but it’s also a life lesson provided courtesy of his big sister.