Selfies are everywhere. You can’t escape a single day on your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram feeds without running into at least one person posting a photo of themselves.
Grandma Linda Merrill takes selfies but they are way more adorable than the typical photos we see on social networks.
Merrill sends her selfies to her granddaughter, Sierra Sessions. Every photo proclaims her love for her granddaughter in hilarious, loving, and unique ways.
Sierra calls her grandma as “super rock ‘n roll,” and she is always amazed at how “with the times” her grandma is with technology.
The selfies recently went viral and when you check them out, you’ll understand why.
Grandma loves her granddaughter from various locations.
Her grandma always says where she is “loving” them from.
Sierra’s grandma sends a ton of selfies to update her granddaughter on her life. She’s not shy about her selfies either. Here’s one of her in the shower.
Sierra lived with her grandma during her “angsty teenage years” and has maintained a close relationship every since.
“A lot (of elderly people) maybe aren’t as accepting, but it’s worth trying to understand where they come from,” said Sierra. “Talking to them, listening to their stories.”
It’s immediately clear that Sierra has a deeply loving relationship with her grandma.
There’s a lot of negative news on the web these days but these stories restore our faith in humanity. There’s not uniquely special about grandma Linda’s selfies, other than the fact that they are really not about her — and more about the love she shares with her granddaughter.
Here’s to hoping Sierra will continue to post her grandma’s adorable loving selfies on Twitter while continuing to bring happiness to the world.