The 1990s were a weird time in American history. We had just exited the eccentric tastes of the 1980s and we were looking for something new, something great. Instead we were given Pepsi AM, Oreo O’s Cereal, and WWF popsicles.
After looking through some of the strangest foods of the 1990s, we present you with food and drink items that we were happy to leave behind nearly two decades ago.
1. Doritos 3D – Basically less tasty Doritos.
2. Berry Berry Kix. No preservatives and no health benefits.
3. Cinnamon Graham DunkAroos
4. Colored Ketchup. An unneeded and strange product.
5. Fruitopia didn’t taste like fruit at all.
6. Gatorgum? Because when your thirsty you want gum!
7. Unhealthy but it features the TMNTs.
8. You can blame Josta for the energy drink craze.
9. Pepsi AM – Just like Pepsi but with a bunch more caffeine to wake you up.
10. Rise Krispies Treats cereal. No health value but lots of sugar!
11. 100% Fruit Juice with 0% nutritional value. SqueezeIt’s were awful.
12. Coca-Cola’s awful response to Mountain Dew.
13. Hate The Ultimate Warrior? You could bite off his head with WWF Popsicles.
14. Oreo O’s Cereal. Oreo’s without the delicious creamy center.
[H/T ViralNova]