Dogs have no shame. If you have a four-legged friend living in your home there is a good chance that they have managed on more than one occasion to photobomb your cherished pictures.
These dogs not only managed to photobomb their owners, they did it with hilarious results that will have you in stitches.
Here is a handful of dogs who have stolen the spotlight with their hilarious and amazing photobombing skills.
Hey guys!!!
Pay attention to me.
Play my favorite song daddy.
Hey don’t photo me while I’m going #2.
I love the webcam.
I can drive now please?
He’s shocked to see the camera.
My tree. NOT your tree.
A sneaky little pup.
Caught off guard.
I’m bored can we finishing tying the knot already.
Silly pup.
I’m in the middle of something here.
I will eat this later you silly human.
What is this new little thing mommy?
Head in dog’s mouth.
Half human, half dog. Hear me roar.
I’m stealing the spotlight.