Silly Dog Passes Out From Excitement After Long Awaited Reunion

A family reunion can be really exciting, you get to see people you haven’t seen in a while, and catch up about your lives. But what happens when a dog is involved in that reunion?

YouTube user Rebecca Svetina posted a video in July that has attracted nearly 34 million views. On The page she writes:

“A pet dog’s reaction to a family member returning home after 2 years… which in fairness is 14 years in dog years. The family member was living and working in Slovenia, and didn’t return home to Murrysville, PA last year, because her whole family (except Casey) came to Bled for her wedding.”

As a side note, the Schnauzer was taken to the vet after they passed out, and the 14-year-old pooch was fine. Apparently this really was just a case of over-excitement.