Boy, 8, Sells His Pokémon Cards To Help Save His Dog And The Internet Takes Action

When a family pet falls ill it can be emotionally stressful as well as financially challenging. It's no secret that trips to the veterinarian can rack up a fairly high bill in a short period of time.

For many children, the family pet often feels more like a sibling than just a pet. That was certainly the case for a little boy from Lebanon, Virginia, who went to great lengths to raise money for his family puppy's vet bills.

A Four-Month-Old Puppy Named Bruce Began Acting Strangely

4-month-old black lab puppy wearing blue collar looking up at camera
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

A woman named Kimberly Woodruff noticed that her family's four-month-old puppy was behaving strangely and immediately knew something was wrong.

They rushed the small pup named Bruce to the vet where he was diagnosed with parvo.


Parvovirus Is Highly Contagious And Can Be Fatal For Dogs

Woman holds small black lab in her arms, dog looks sad and tired
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious sickness that can quickly become fatal for dogs if left untreated.


Typical prevention involves vaccination, but treatment usually includes a veterinary hospital stay in quarantine for the sick dog.


The Family Could Not Afford The $700 Veterinary Treatment To Save Bruce

Woman counting money with notes for budgeting
Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels
Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

The vet told Kimberly that the procedure to treat Bruce would be about $700, a price that she knew her family could not afford to pay.


It was then that her 8-year-old son, Bryson, quickly began planning a way to raise the funds necessary to save his dog.


8-Year-Old Bryson Kliemann Started Selling His Pokémon Card Collection To Help Pay For Bruce's Treatment

Small boy smiles with his case of Pokémon card collection
Photo Credit: RealBreakingNate / YouTube
Photo Credit: RealBreakingNate / YouTube

Bryson knew he had to sell something that was extremely valuable to him in order to make enough money.


So while most children were excitedly trading their Pokémon cards, Bryson was preparing to sell off his impressive collection in an attempt to raise the money for Bruce's life-saving treatment.


Bryson Says His Pup Bruce Is His Best Friend And Playmate

Small black lab puppy
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

Bryson explained that he knew if Bruce didn't get better it would be like losing his best friend and playmate.


He says: "It made me kind of sad because usually my brother and sister play together and I don't have anybody to play with. So, I usually play with [Bruce]."


Bryson Sold $65 Worth Of His Pokémon Cards Before His Mom Set Up An Online Donation Page

Small boy sits at roadside stand selling Pokémon cards
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

Bryson proudly recalls that he made $65 on his first night selling the cards.


However, it was the online donation page his family set up through GoFundMe that really started to bring in the donations.


Kimberly Shared Bryson's Gesture Online And It Went Viral

Drawn children's picture
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

After Bryson's parents shared his goal online, people were understandably moved by his selflessness and wanted to help out.


It wasn't long before the donation page blew past the family's $800 goal and climbed well over $20k. In the meantime, Bryson's beloved Pokémon cards have stayed safe in his bedroom.


The Donations Covered The Cost Of Bruce's Treatment

Small boy holds black lab puppy and smiles
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

With more than enough money raised to cover the surgery, the family dropped Bruce off at the vet to undergo his treatment which was successful. After about a week's time, he was able to go home to his family.


Bryson was eager to be reunited with Bruce when he was finally allowed to see him and told reporters, "It feels good to have my best friend home."


The Family Has Now Raised Over $27K

 Boy wearing glasses gives thumbs up and smiles in back seat of car
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook
Photo Credit: Kimberly Woodruff / Facebook

Since the family's GoFundMe page went live, they have received over $27k in donations gifted to both Bryson and Bruce.


A recent update from Kimberly reads: "Bryson and I just want to thank all of you! Bruce is home and doing amazing. We are continuing to help other dog families in our community. As Bryson's mother, I can't thank everyone enough. For the love and support you have shown Bryson."


Kimberly Is Donating The Extra Money To Other Families In Her Area Who Are In Need

Small golden lab lying on blankets in crate
Photo Credit: Markus Winkler / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Markus Winkler / Unsplash

As a mother, Kimberly is humbled by people's willingness to help and be sympathetic to her son, even through the internet. They are grateful for the online community's support in helping to get Bruce home and healthy.


The family is currently using the extra funds to assist other low-income families in the area with expensive vet bills.