Every once in a while, you just need a reason to laugh. Photos of dogs before and after they decided to leap into a puddle of mud could be that reason. Any dog owner knows that the moment you let your dog off-leash in a park, you're asking for it. Fortunately for us, we can enjoy these adorable, mud-covered pooches without having to spend hours cleaning them up. Read on for an innocent chuckle at some really messy dogs.
Just Don't Get It On My Face!
This dog looks like it takes its mud baths very seriously, and is sure to keep its face untarnished. You'll notice that the white dog had a huge smile on its face before becoming covered in mud, and looks straightfaced afterwards.
We doubt that the dog was forced to roll around in the mud, but it is curious how in the world it avoided getting any on its face. It looks as though the dog had a protective mask on during its playtime.
Did I Do Something Wrong?
It's practically a fact that puppies are adorable, but this one is off-the-charts cute. It's almost as though this little lab became more irresistible after rolling around in the mud.
The trick is the eyes, which seem to say "did I do something wrong?" It's akin to seeing a little kid with chocolate all over their face before dinnertime looking up at you with big, innocent eyes. You should scold them, but all you want to do is give them a huge hug.
This Bathtub Has Got Nothing On Me
This pooch had brown fur to begin with, but that didn't make it any less obvious that it had became covered in dirt. The soil it rolled around in must have been dark because it nearly turned the dog black.
On top of that, the bath water is dark as night and seems to barely have made a difference on the dog's dirty fur. Dogs can't resist shaking out their fur, which explains the splattered mud all over the walls. That's going to be one busy cleaning day for those owners.
Who Needs A Bed When You Have Mud?
The best part of this before-and-after image is that the dog is practically in the same position in both. On the left, you have the dog stretched out on its side while laying in its bed.
On the right, you have the dog in nearly the same position while rolling around in the mud. The man difference is that the pup looks happier in the mud than it does its own bed!
Clean Or Messy... I'm Happy Either Way
Muddy or wet, rain or shine, this precious pup is just happy to be alive. It's making the same joyous facial expression in both photos and appears to be looking up at its owner while sitting.
This before-and-after explains why some people have dogs as their emotional support; whatever is going on, they're just happy to be spending the time with you. And as the saying goes, a little dirt never hurt anyone.
Mmm, This Mud Tastes Kind Of Good
This plush white dog looked immaculate standing in the field on the left, but we can see how its trip to the park ended. The before-and-after photos look like an "expectation" versus "reality" comparison.
Not only does the dog seem unfazed by the mud all over its face, but it also is licking its nose. It's as though the cute dog is trying to give the mud a taste, and doesn't think it's all that bad.
Do I Have Any Mud On My Tongue?
Like the Golden Retriever we saw a few pictures ago, this dog wears nearly the same expression before and after submerging itself in the mud. What's even more adorable is that the dog's large tongue hangs out whenever it smiles.
If you look closely, you can see a trace amount of mud on the dog's tongue in the second photo that was not there in the first. You've got to be one diehard lover of the outdoors to not mind getting mud in your mouth.
I'm Getting Too Old For This
While many of the dogs so far have appeared to really enjoy the mud, we're not so sure about this one. The poor thing appears to be resisting opening its eyes and mouth because the layer of mud on its face is so thick.
At the same time, we'd expect a dog to shake itself off right away, which tells us it might be enjoying its mud mask. Whatever it's thinking, the look on its face seems to say "I'm getting too old for this."
I'm Happiest When I'm Covered In Mud!
This white dog looks less joyous in the before photo than it does in the after image! It definitely seems as though this pup was born to get dirty in the open outdoors, rather than to pose inside for a photo shoot.
The stoic look on its face in the before image tranforms into a big smile with its tongue flopping out in the after photo. By the looks of it, the pooch is at a dog park and just got the okay to get as muddy as its heart desires.
No Puddle Of Mud Is Too Deep For Me!
This dog looks more like a horse that's gone on an extreme diet. It's remarkably tall and lean, which explains how it was able to refrain from getting mud past its legs and underbelly.
The stark contrast suggests that it either walked in a two-feet deep puddle of mud, or decided to lay down in the mud but keep its head and chest upright. It goes to show that large dogs aren't always the harder ones to clean.
Now That's What I Call A Birthday Suit!
Not everyone believes in dog birthday parties, but those who do tend to go all out. When planning one, it's important to remember to do things the dog would enjoy, not just the owner and the owner's friends.
This dog looked happy enough in the before photograph, even if it is wearing an uncomfortable birthday hat. But there's no doubt that it was having the time of its life when its owner gave the okay to put on a suit of mud.
My Mouth Is Fair Game But Avoid The Eyes
This dog is handling his mud-covered snout hilariously. It's squeezing its eyes closed yet holding its mouth wide open, and you can see there's mug layering its tongue. While we don't understand this pooch's logic, it makes for an adorable photo that we sincerely hope its owner put on their fridge.
Its front paws are layered in more mud than its back ones, which may mean that it had been digging and splattering itself in the face. That would have been the darndest thing to witness.
Just Thinking About Mud Makes Me Hungry
In the before photo, this dog looks as though its licking its lips while thinking about what's going on in the after image, where it's actively rolling in the mud. While we aren't doggy mind readers, we're willing to bet that dog loves mud like no other.
The dog is so submerged in the after photograph that if it weren't squirming around, you may not even be able to see the pooch since it would blend in with its surroundings.
I Won't Fist Bump Until I Get My Mud Bath
In this before photo, this dog's owner is holding out their hand as though to give the dog a fist bump. The canine seems unfazed, but that all changed after a good roll in the mud.
If it weren't for the before image, we would think this was a black dog that just emerged out of the water. It looks so happy while covered in mud that we wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly did reach out a paw for a fist bump.
Where Am I?
This black and white dog probably wouldn't have looked quite so dirty if the much had been a darker shade, but the bright brown really pops against its fur. On top of that, the mud is incredibly thick so that the dog's eyes look like little cutouts in a mask.
Unlike most of the other dogs, this one appeared happier in the before image. In the after photograph it looks a bit dazed and confused, like it isn't sure if it has arrived at the correct house.
What Are You Looking At?
You can tells in the before photo that this dog loves nature because it's smiling from ear to ear while lying in the tall grass. In the after image, it's chosen to walk in one of nature's mud baths, and has even dunked his face in it.
Its happy expression in the first image is very obvious, while it's in the mud bath, it's as though the dog is looking for some privacy while enjoying its time in the filth.
My Cute Eyes Are More Effective In Mud
When you spend enough time with a dog, you can start to get the feeling that they know how cute they are and use it to their advantage. This pooch certainly seems to know what it's doing, giving that big-eyed stare to its owner.
In the before image, the canine looks more like a human than a dog with its remote control and bowl of fruit. In the after image, the pup is all canine and it makes that award-worthy stare all the more heartwarming.
Mud Accentuates My Long Legs
Looking at this Pomeranian strut its stuff with mud-covered legs, we can't help but imagine it's wearing thigh-high heeled boots. The way the mud contrasts its white fur certainly helps the comical illusion.
To top it off, the dog is wearing a huge smile as though it's happy to be getting the attention. In actuality, it's probably overjoyed to be submerged in mud. The muddy water looks a little questionable in the image to the left, but the dog doesn't mind a bit.
Mud Is My Happy Place
It's hard to look at a dog with this large of a smile and not smile back. Its face is splattered with little bits of mud and its arms and legs are completely submerged, but it looks utterly happy.
The mud may even be providing a soothing coat that acts as a layer between the dogs and the sharp, pointy pine needles it's laying on. Lounging under a tree without worrying about skin irritation is what we call a good day.
Are You Entertained Now?
We don't mean to patronize this mud-covered dog, but its grumpiness makes this image all the more comical. The expression on its face combined with its small but stalky physique make this canine look like the tough guy of the dog park.
It can be entertaining to imagine what dogs are thinking while humans try to talk to them. We would guess that this dog is looking at its laughing owners and thinking "are you entertained now?"