This baby’s evolution of dance will melt your heart

Normally when you hear of evolution of dance videos, you think of the way dancing has changed through the decades. But there’s really nothing quite like watching a baby’s evolution of dance. Most infants react the same when they hear music. There might be a head bob or an arm wave to indicate what music they like.

As they grow older, that head bob and arm wave turn into the child’s own unique style of dance — coordinated or not. For this little boy, the coordination is spot on from eight months to present day.

At eight months, he is content to smile and bob up and down when he is happy or his favorite music comes on. When he learns to walk, it’s a whole different situation. A baby’s dance becomes more unique once they can stand and walk. While some twirl, others add hand motions and foot stomps.

This little boy adds his personal flare through perfectly coordinated foot and arm movements. With every month that goes by, he grow more confident and becomes even better at his favorite activity — dancing.

Some people were born with moves, while others needed to learn it through strict classes, but we’re betting this little boy will be the one teaching those classes.