Silly Grammar Mistakes on Twitter Get Illustrated by Comedian

Comedian Sarah Sumeray runs one of my new favorite Twitter accounts @IllustratedTypo. Sarah browses around Twitter and finds people who have made silly grammar mistakes. She then takes those mistakes and illustrates their meaning with light-hearted jabs at the original post creator.

Sumeray’s creations are cleverly created with simply photoshopping.

This is the type of “Grammar Nazi” I can get behind.

1. Funknee.

2. Don’t go Jason Waterfalls.

3. I Got And iFawn.

4. I Beleaf !!!!!

5. Magnum Pie.

6. Dusting Hoffman.

7. Mmmm. Jesus Crust.

8. Justin Bee..ber.

9. Did you write your appointment on the Collander?

10. Supperman. He jumps mountains of spaghetti in a single leap.

11. My Knee on my mind.

Can’t get enough of Sarah’s work? Check her out at and on her personal twitter account at summerray you can also visit @IllustratedTypo. If you want to have a tweet you found illustrated reply with #llustratedTwitterTypos.

Right now the Twitter account responsible for these hilarious illustrations has just over 1,600 followers. I have a feeling that number will quickly increase.

Are you a fan of Sarah Sumeray’s Twitter grammar mistake illustrations? Share her work with your friends on Facebook.