Adorably Awkward Ways Cats Show Affection

For centuries, dog lovers have claimed that canines scored much higher in the area of affection than most known members of kitty kind. So is there anything to this age old stereotype? Do dogs really blow cats out of the water when it comes to love of their owners? We say nay. Here we present you with all the adorably painful ways that kitties show their love.

Love Gnaws


Scratchy Kisses

Kisses from cats
via onlypositive

Grooming your non-existent fur

Grooming your non fur
via thepetproductguru

Singing you the song of their people

sing the song of their people
via petfinder

Making imaginary biscuits on your unprotected skin

cat making buscuits
via pawesome

Providing free surveillance

via epochtimes

Rubbing their gums on everything… and everyone.

rubbing their gums
via cutestcatpics

Decorating your wardrobe with their fur.

decorate your wardrobe
via dailypicksandflicks

Sharing their finest… assets with you.

displaying their finer assets
via icanhascheezburger

Always being there for you. Always.

being there for friends
via fantasticfelinefriends

Protecting you. From things like this toilet paper.

protecting you from toilet paper
via flickr

And this chair

furniture protection
via reflector

And Internet Predators

via catsonlaptops

Making sure you don’t trip by hovering under and around your feet constantly.

rubbing your legs
via cracked

Making sure they always chose the most awkward possible places to perch.

awkward perching
via m-magazine

Kitty love. The only love both heartwarming and gut wrenching, all in one adorable package.