I regularly question whether or not animal photobombs are the product of perfect timing on the part of the animal or just a happy accident.
Some of these animals seem to have jumped in front of the camera on purpose while others appear to be totally oblivious to their animal photobombing shenanigans.
Here are 28 animal photobombs that in one way or another were perfectly timed.
1. Wait for me … I love photos.
2. How dare they tried to give this dog the spotlight for even one second.
3. The look on the owner and cat’s faces is priceless.
4. This cat thinks selfies are stupid.
5. I’m not sure who is more surprised.
6. The best horse photobomb ever.
7. Angry pug photobomb.
8. Hello camera.
9. Adorable kid photo with a splash of peeing dog.
10. Just horsing around during a snapshot.
11. Dog steals the spotlight from his K9 friend.
12. Creepy yet hilarious cat photobomb.
13. No family photos allowed… without the dog.
14. What’s so funny?
15. Something’s fishy about this photobomb.
16. Whales are perhaps the most friendly photobombers.
17. Doggy poop bomb just in time for prom.
18. Even chicken’s photobomb.
19. Fish head photobomb.
20. Jumping penguin photobomb
21. Dog’s love to photobomb.
22. The best fish photobomb of all time.
23. Horrible selfie meets an awesome whale photobomb.
24. Whatcha doing?
25. Hey I’m just hanging around.
26. Is that fishy for me?
27. Mind if I join your photo ladies?
28. Part fish – Part Man.