Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, graduation, or some other type of special event in life, there’s a very good chance a cake will be involved. For some reason, we have chosen cakes to be the go-to dessert for parties. While shows like Cupcake Wars and Ace of Cakes would have us believe the delicious dessert is the crowning moment of any party, the opposite can also be true. These people presented their family, friends, and co-workers with some of the worst cake creations we have ever seen. Some are funny, some are weird, and others will just straight up give you nightmares.
Perhaps English Class Should Continue

If you’re going to request a cake to celebrate the end of the school year, perhaps it would be best to double, triple, and quadruple check any spelling you are including on the dessert. In all fairness, this person didn’t say they were celebrating good grades in English class. School may be out for the summer but it’s time for this cake decorator to apply for summer school. This is a good reminder that you need to double-check what you bring home for the big party. Here’s to hoping they didn’t invite their English Teacher to their end of year celebration.
They Took This A Bit Too Literal

We think it is safe to say that most cake decorators would have understood the directions this person set out for them. They obviously wanted stars and sprinkles on the cake and not those words simply written out for the world to see. This was likely the work of someone who either thought this would be funny or doesn’t truly pay attention to their work because they don’t want to be there. Personally, if we received this cake I would think it’s hilarious and wouldn’t change it for the world. Either way, it’s a great lesson is clearly outline exactly what you really want with your cake.