You don't have to be a pet owner to appreciate the look of shame and guilt on a dog's face when something is wrong. When you see those infamous "puppy-dog eyes" -- the big, wide-open, sad-looking even-seemingly apologetic gaze -- it's easy to tell that something is up, even if you haven't seen the associated muddy footprints, half-eaten food, or torn up couch and clothes. As man's best friend, pets get to know you pretty well, so they know what you consider acceptable. When they have committed one of any number of what they know is an unpardonable sin, their guilty glances often give them away.
Guilty Dog — Room Disaster
There comes a time in the lives of all pet owners when you return home to find a complete disaster. It could be a mess of torn paper, cushions, or just about everything in the room. And, there could be any number of reasons your dog has developed such a mess.
It could be that he's just upset at you, he feels left out and alone, or he just doesn't like some change in his life. There could be any number of reasons for the explosion of mess, and it's usually fairly clear that your dog is sorry about it after the fact.
The Pizza Box Debacle
What do you really expect, when you leave an empty pizza box just lying around? It's obvious to any dog that there recently was a pizza in there, and he may have even seen you eat it. Did you share? Worse still, you've left the box just sitting there on the counter or on the floor.
What dog could resist tearing the box apart in the hopes of licking, chewing and gulping up any remnant of meat, cheese or breaded goodness? Yes, he's guilty now. You can see it on his downtrodden visage. He knows you're mad, but he probably also knows that it was worth it, as he savors that last bit of greasy flavor.
Why The Guilty Dog?
Yes, dogs can tell when you're mad or sad. According to a study published in Current Biology, dogs can "discriminate human facial expressions." And, as a pet owner, you already know that your dog knows when you're angry or sad or happy.
The real question you should be asking is: Why do dogs look so guilty? Yes, they are cute when they look at you with those sorrowful eyes`. But, why do they even care what you think? Why do they seem to care so much when you're mad? Perhaps it's a simple as to fall back on that famous cliche about dogs being "man's best friend." Of course, for others, they may be afraid of whatever punishment they know awaits them.
Poop Rolling & Puke
Here's another guilty pet photo that went viral, mostly because you've probably experienced this for yourself. Yes, you've probably seen (or smelled) your dog when he rolled in poop, a dead animal, or some other similarly stinky remains. Most vets will say that it's "instinctual behavior," which is all well-and-good if you can clean him up before he leaves that stank in the car, house, and everywhere else he goes.
As you'll see, though, your dog may find a way to make it inside the house. When your other dog's vomit has left the doggie door wide open, the obvious beeline is for the house.
Sorry, Not Sorry
There's guilty and then there's the "not-so-guilty," half-gleeful look. Yes, he may be sorry he did it, but he clearly also enjoyed himself. Just one look at the flurry of down will show you that he has eagerly disemboweled a feather pillow.
He not only tore it apart, but he appears to have rolled in it, and his toothy grin probably means that he would do it all over again, even if he is reprimanded or punished for his crime. It's one of those experiences of a lifetime, fun and forbidden. It's obviously the very best combination possible.
Stringy Dog Mess
You can hear the dogs saying that it was all a set-up, that they couldn't possibly have managed such a mess of silly-string without some serious human intervention. Perhaps it really is a coordinated attempt to create a cute guilty-dog photo, but it really does look like they're guilty, right?
You can even imagine the silly-string covered dog yelping something about the unfairness of this experiment. But, really, dogs will be dogs, and play is rarely fair or even handed. The explosion of pink and green silly string makes for a great photo-op, and it also does look like they are having fun.
Guilty Dog Skunked
Probably the best example of a guilty dog you can probably think of is the skunk-dog experience. Of course, you've had a dog who tangled with a skunk at least one time, and he came howling or whimpering home. What's even more maddening is when your dog runs in through the doggie door and proceeds to roll all over the carpet, rugs, and furniture.
He always looks guilty, even embarrassed, and the smell is beyond torturous to you and your dog alike. Then, you begin the even more painful process of getting rid of the stank. Tomato juice works, but wouldn't we all wish that the dog would just stay away from the skunks?
No, I Haven't Seen Your Lipstick
Have I seen your lipstick? No! Why do you ask? I haven't seen it, but I've heard that it doesn't taste nearly as good as it looks. Seriously though, I haven't seen it.
You'll never believe why my fur is this color either. I was playing outside and a huge pink puddle appeared! I tripped and fell face first. Isn't it weird how that happened? You should really go and see if the pink puddle is still there or this could happen again. I hope you find your lipstick!
He Peed Down The Entire Hall - Guilty Dog
You may have noticed that kids sometimes manage to accomplish such feats that looking back on them (or even on the acts you'd somehow accomplished yourself), you can't really understand how they did it. Such is the case with this dog. How did he urinate all the way down the hall?
Did he dance, sway, or was he led? But, also, how is it possible for one dog to even hold that much liquid in its bladder to be able to accomplish something like that. Of course, it's gross, and you'd be mad, right? But, there's something freakish about it too. Yes, the dog looks guilty, and I'm sure you could test the urine to really prove he did it, but that's also got to take some sick kind of talent.
Attack of The Killer Toilet Paper
Few household object are harder than resist than toilet paper. It's soft and mushy. It tastes like paper, but is also easier to chew and swallow. Plus, it tears so nicely, leaving shredded messes everywhere. Is it really so shocking that dogs love to make a mess of toilet paper rolls?
Plus, just think about the fact that toilet paper rolls are so often found in the bathroom, and dogs do so love to roll in around in poop and other smelly things. It's all fun and games until the owner catches them in the act. Then, they have to put on that super-sorry mopey look, as though they can't imagine why they did it and won't ever do it again.
Spidey-Dog Climber
When you consider the look on his face when he's caught, it shouldn't really be that much of a surprise that he is so much more agile than he pretended. Perhaps it's a secret identity, and it may cause you to consider what other antics he's been up to while you were out of sight.
After all, if he's really able to climb a cat tree to eat the cat food, is it really any stretch to imagine that he's been getting up on the counters, dressers, or other heights you'd never before considered. When you think about it, maybe the blame you've been heaping on the cat has been entirely misplaced.
Pack-Rat Guilty Dog
You probably don't think of your dog as being a collector of foodstuffs, as well as chewable objects. But, this photo demonstrates just how wrong you've been. Yes, a dog might be caught tearing these objects up by a garbage or other public space, but he might just as easily be hiding the cardboard, plastics, and other chewables away for a time when he thinks he might get away with enjoying them with reckless abandon.
Maybe he's smarter than you ever imagined, and he only looks guilty now, because you've caught onto his little game.
Guilty Dog Is Stuck On Blinds
No matter how guilty a dog look or how mad you are, there's nothing quite like capturing your pet in such a compromising situation. He's guilty of an outrageous (and expensive) wrong, but that look on his face, and also the extreme panic that you'd be hearing in his bark-howl-yelp definitely serves to quickly turn your anger to concern for his safety.
Yes, the question also remains: How does a dog get that tangled up, AND simultaneously manage to cause that much damage. While you consider the possible vet bill from bowl obstruction and abdominal damage, you can also take a look at the cost for replacing those completely obliterated blinds. Ouch!
Another Bout With Garbage And Guilt
Every guilty dog photo is so different, like a fingerprint. But, the expressions on all of those dogs are unforgettable. Here' he looks like he must have found some good stuff in the kitchen garbage, but he's also got a slightly guilty-trying-to-look-nonchalant expression around his eyes. You've got to wonder how much time he really spent with the garbage before taking a seat.
You can still see smears of remnant food, after all. Or maybe it wasn't really about the hunger for the food, but more about the delectable-but-rank smells that were just waiting to be rolled in. Perhaps he was just caught in the midst of his effort, since the second trash can is still standing. It could be that he's trying not to look annoyed that you've ruined his evening of trashy fun.
Asleep-But-Guilty Dog
The 'dirty dog rolling in laundry' also appears to be a common guilty-dog antic, though the act of promptly falling asleep in the basket is something of a new twist. Usually, when you see these guilty dogs, they are dripping wet-and-muddy, or they've got some other stinky element to them before they search for the clean laundry.
I suppose in those cases, it might make sense that he was trying to get the smell off by rolling in the clean clothes. Either way, it's an unpleasant surprise when you discover the mess. Here, too, we want to see the look on his face when he sees the look on your face. Not so peaceful.
Wheels of Terror
Just like any sibling situation, these two dogs love to harass each other, or at least the little dog likes to roll over the big dog with his little cart. He probably knows that nobody would let the big dog retaliate, but he may discover one day that his antics and torment of his fellow dog haven't been forgotten.
You can see that the big dog is just waiting and watching. It is intriguing to watch how fellow pets (and humans) can annoy each other so much in the communal family setting.
He Chewed The Power Cord AGAIN
Yep, here's another guilty-dog antic. He drags a cord off and chews it apart. It's always some kind of inexplicable miracle when it's not a "live" cord, because otherwise the look on his face would be much different, not so cute or funny. I'm sure you've tried everything with your dog. You can wrap tin foil around the cords, or put pepper and other nasty-gross tasting things on the cord to deter the chewing.
Or, you may just have discovered that you need to unplug everything from easy-to-access outlets to prevent your doggie friend from getting himself into trouble. It's still cute when you see him hide like this, even if you would be mad. But, there's also that feeling of danger. No matter how upset we get with our dogs with their off-kilter, naughty antics, we don't want to see them get hurt, and we'll work to avoid that at all cost.
Guilty Dog Puts Himself In The Corner
It doesn't even really matter what he's chewed up this time. It's been chewed beyond recognition, and he obviously knows he's in trouble. What's so striking about this guilty dog is that he appears to be trying to punish himself. Maybe he's putting himself in the corner (of the tub). Or maybe it's just his way of hiding in the last place he thinks his owner will ever look.
Either way, he has a petrified look in his eyes, and his tail is even tucked in close. Although the photo doesn't capture cowering, you can certainly imagine that too. No matter how bad his chew-up may have been, you can't help but feel sorry for him. Just stand up and say it: "He didn't mean it, honest." And, you can even claim: "He'll never do it again!" He just looks like he needs some love...
Guilty Thief
You know there's a problem with jealousy between your furry friends, when your dog starts to steal all the cat's toys, and then drag them under the furniture. You can imagine the problem could be that much more severe if the cat was off sleeping off his over-indulgence in catnip.
With the cat safely out of the way, the dog can steal all the toys he wants, and even tear them up safely out of sight. That's assuming, of course, that he doesn't get caught. Yes, he's guilty, and he knows it. But, you've also got to see that he just can't help himself. The temptation was overpowering and impossible to resist.
No Kidding?
You can't argue with this pup's note of shame. She can't hide her biting habit for one minute, not even to snap a photo!
This puppy is still very young, when biting is an unavoidable vice. It's okay, she's too cute to hold a grudge against for such a minor crime.
He's A Good Boy. A Guilty Boy, But A Good Boy
This good boy was obviously just minding his own business when he was rudely attacked by a garbage can lid. It's pretty obvious looking at the look on his face that he feels guilty for not putting up a better fight. If you have a garbage can lid that is this easily acceptable to your furry friend, they are going to get in trouble. Still, the guilt is pretty obvious on this dog's face.
Farting Dog Act
This is the best guilty-dog trick yet. When you're in an elevator, and you suddenly smell (and perhaps even hear) a fart, you look at your fellow humans to see who might have let one rip. Do you ever consider that it could be the dog, sitting in the corner and looking up with a very guilty expression on his face to his owner?
We all know it's not out of the realm of possibilities for a dog to fart too, but somehow they don't seem to get the blame. Perhaps they do just seem to innocent. They couldn't possibly be responsible for such a profusion of really horrendous stank, right?
Guilty Dog Destroyer
Just when you thought that the guilty dog scenarios couldn't get any more off-kilter or bizarre, you should take a look at this bathroom door. This German Shepard dog locked himself in the bathroom, because there was purportedly a delicious array of dirty diapers for him to chew on, but then he couldn't get out.
So, it just makes sense that he would destroy the door, mangling and chewing it almost beyond recognition. It's a good thing that nobody was hurt. But, look how his ears are back. He knows he's in trouble. He's a guilty dog...
The Weiner Dog Effect
Why is it that whenever there's anything white in the house, the pets have to pee or poo or vomit all over it? This guilty-dog episode is really no different, perhaps worse, in some ways.
While one Dachshunds dragged his butt across the new white bath mat, the other one just waited long enough until his brother was done before peeing on it. This duo knows they're in trouble, but they also probably just felt it was necessary to get rid of that new-rug smell, and perhaps even personalize it a bit. It's the whammy effect that makes this one so memorable.
Guilty Dog To-Do List
It's probably not a great idea to bring too much attention to the guilty-dog antics of those dogs you see and hear about. The dogs are listening, after all. And, they may just be planning what madcap caper they'll carry out next. If you've seen The Secret Life of Pets, you have some idea of just what we imagine our pets are capable of.
When they feel they've been unreasonably shamed or punished or left too long by themselves, they appear to find ways to display their obvious sense of angst and anguish. They want us all to feel their pain as well.
Kitchen Escape
Most guilty dogs are caught trying to get into the kitchen, not out of it. Then again, it appears that the dog was confined, so the attempted daredevil escape plan makes sense. In case you didn't know, dachshunds are famous for their digging skills, and they were bred to get vermin out of holes.
So, part of that guilty dog stare might just be instinctual. He was trying to do whatever it took to get out. It that meant clawing, scratching, digging and chewing through the kitchen gate, then so be it. It was the only way.
Drool-Butt Dog
Just when you thought you'd put everything up out of reach, this guilty dog decided to eat the one thing left to him: Vaseline. You'd wouldn't think it would taste good, but he ate enough to give him the most disgusting drool-poop you've ever seen.
For sure, that's got to be one way of getting the dog to go through a complete cleanse, though only a doctor could tell you whether ingesting that much of a petroleum jelly product would be good for your health.
Killed Yoda I Did
The dog might have killed Yoda, severed his internal stuffing, and left him in pieces across the floor. What's clear, though that the dog is not sorry he did it, and he probably would do it again if ever given the options.
It's a toy after all, and he doesn't really care if it really is a Star Trek Yoda, much beloved by the owner. To him, it's just a toy that's asking to be torn limb-from-limb, and dispersed with wild abandon. And, yes, it may also be true that "The force is with this dog." Who knows? Stranger things have happened.
Potato Thief
He broke into the pantry, and that's not really surprising. You'd probably guess that he's found some bread or chips or any number of other treats. Nope. He was after the potatoes.
He carries all the potatoes out of the pantry and hides them all over the house. The most logical reason for him to want anything to do with the potatoes is if he is using them as toys or balls. Perhaps that's it. He's just hiding his toys so his owner doesn't cook them up and eat them.
Diploma Pride
This guilty dog just went a little too far. It looks like his owner's Master's degree diploma came in the mail, and the dog decided it would make a tasty snack. The document is completely torn apart, barely legible in some areas. Not only is it a symbol of an important milestone, a lifetime achievement, but it's also an important document.
The owner would need to demonstrate that she's accomplished that level of academic degree. While there are ways to replace the diploma itself, there's something about the brutality of the act and the fact that the owner had no-doubt been eagerly waiting for the diploma, as a reward and acknowledgment for all those years of work. Now, it's all destroyed.
Missing Noses
These noseless creatures are far from the headless or eyeless or faceless monstrosities left behind by some guilty dogs, but the missing noses is also strange. You've got to wonder why the dog would only go after the nose, and continue to rip out the nose, even when the owner replaced it over-and-over again.
Whatever the reason for his fetish, he certainly feels bad enough about it. He sometimes just can't help himself. He just loves the soft noses so much. What is it about those critters that make him think they are better off without the noses?
Guilty Dog Destroys Garbage Bag
At some point in your life as a pet owner, you've likely experienced your guilty dog digging into the garbage. To them, it probably smells irresistible. Just think of all that stinky, rank, even aromatic food. There may be food scraps, leftovers, or any number of other savory morsels.
To your dog, your nasty black trash bag is the epitome of adventure. They can gulp down the food, take another chew on those toys, and just sniff their way through your garbage. It's also an instinct for dogs to scavenge for foodstuffs, even though he knows you don't approve. It's also hard to discipline him unless you've caught him in the act.
How Do You Like Your Steak?
This photo also leaves us with many questions, most importantly—how did this dog manage to get in the fridge in the first place? Perhaps their human was unloading groceries, left the fridge open, and this little Boston Terrier climbed in and helped himself to a snack.
To be fair, what dog could resist a tasty piece of meat like that? Maybe this dog was simply trying to help his human prepare dinner? While that's a nice thought, the look on this dog's face says it all: pure guilt.
Caught Red Pawed
Nearly every pet owner will have at least a little bit of their food swiped by their precious pup at some point. And who can blame them really? Would you want to spend the majority of your life eating Kibbles 'N' Bits?
This dog clearly got into some of his owner's food and went to town on what appears to be ice cream. Or perhaps that's a nicer delicacy like pate? Either way, this canine is clearly guilty. Maybe he thinks if he doesn't look his owner in the eye they won't be able to see him. Someone should tell him it's not working.
Guilty Or Just Carefree?
Every dog owner is used to seeing paw prints around the house here and there. But sometimes, our furry friends track in more mess than we care for. This dog had a fun afternoon playing in the mud before tracking it in the house and getting it all over the bed.
He then proceeded to kick his owner in the stomach. Best (or worst?!) of all, is this canine's carefree look. If this dog feels any ounce of guilt, it sure is hard to tell!
Dogs Can Be Hoarders Too
Dogs just can't resist a tasty bone or rawhide to chew on, but this pup takes it to the extreme. When this dog's owner was cleaning the house, she stumbled upon a treasure trove of dog bones and rawhides under the couch.
Clearly, this canine didn't want to share his treats every time he was given a new one, so he stashed them away until they accumulated into basically a small mountain. He doesn't look like he feels all too guilty either, but the first step to overcoming your addiction is admitting you have a problem.
Partners In Crime?
Sandwich thievery is a serious accusation and it appears that the dog on the right was caught red pawed. But we definitely have to question the small pup's involvement too. Sure, his sign says, "HE DID IT," but we think otherwise! The smug look on the smaller dog's face leads us to believe that he just might have been the mastermind behind it all. We can see it now.
The older, wiser small dog would never be able to reach that delicious sandwich on the counter. So, he convinces the younger and bigger dog to do it so they can share the treat in all its glory. We're on to you guys.
Who, Me?
Hmm, what's on this pup's nose? Is that frosting? Is that frozen yogurt? that diaper cream?! Alright alright, he clearly got into something he shouldn't have. But with that big 'ole smile, he definitely doesn't feel guilty at all.
And honestly, if we were his owners, we wouldn't really care. It would be terribly hard to ever be mad at a face like that! It seems like being painfully cute has its advantages.
Pillowy Pup
How hard is it to get a good night's sleep around here?! This dog clearly decided his designated doggie bed just wasn't cutting it. So he did what any smart dog would do and decided to take matters into his own paws.
Luckily for him, this endeavor combined two of his favorite past times—pulling the stuffing out of the couch and burrowing places he doesn't belong. While he looks a little guilty, he definitely looks pleased with his work.
Twice The Guilt scraps? No. Pee? No. Poop? Negative! Pillow stuffing? Destroyed toys? No and nope. While it's not exactly clear what exactly these dogs did, there is definitely something wrong with this picture.
Judging by the looks on their faces, it's safe to say they have been up to no good. It's only a matter of time before their owner finds one of the aforementioned things somewhere around the house.
Guilty Like That
You can see a ball over to the side, so it's likely that he was playing with it before becoming inextricably engrossed in the pillow fight. While he looks like he's probably a little sorry for his actions, you can also sense something of the vicious attack mode here.
Given the slightest movement of stuffing or fabric, he'll attack with reckless and brutal abandon. After all, it's all fun and games until the pillow is obliterated. Then, it's just a matter of time before, the guilty dog offers up those puppy-dog eyes, and may just beg for something like forgiveness.
Christmas Tree Debacle
Holidays are not immune from the overeager exploits of the guilty dog. You've got to look at it from his perspective too. There's this huge tree that was cut down, brought inside, and covered with tons of toys and other chewy objects. How can you really expect him to resist?
Add to all that the fact that the tree is top-heavy. It's not even as sturdy as all the "real" ones he plays around and pees on every day outside. It must have seemed like a double standard when his owner told him that he couldn't mess with the tree. But, then, this guilty dog can just add this to the long list of things that really don't make any sense to him. He's just guilty once again.
Dog's Guilty Flurry
When you see a mess like this, though, you've gotta know that your dog just had a lot of fun. Those pillows or cushions probably looked and smelled interesting at first, but it also has the feel of a toy. And, aren't all toys designed to be torn apart with wild and reckless abandon?
It may have started out as puppy behavior, but it gets a little old when your dog is older, supposedly wiser and calmer, but still chews up all your pillows and cushions. Unfortunately, this reckless behavior is often the grounds that owners report when they give that once-beloved pet away to another home.