This dog was tossed in a dumpster and nearly died of heat stroke

Millie, a beautiful yellow labrador nearly passed away recently after she was thrown in a dumpster and left to die by her owners.

The poor dog was left in the hot sun and only discovered when a good samaritan heard her cries for help and made a call to a local animal rescue team.

The lab was curled up under a pile of trash as it attempted to hide from the hot sun.

When Millie was pulled out, it was discovered that she had heat stroke and was covered in flies.

Millie was immediately put on an IV to get rehydrated and was given antibiotics and pain medication.

Look at this beautiful dog’s transformation.

She didn’t have a microchip, but she appears to have been housebroken and crate-trained.

Let’s spread this story on Facebook and remind our friends and family that animal abuse is never okay.