This dog saved a 4-year-old girls life from 5 miles away

Sadie protected by her diabetic alert dog from 5 miles away

Any parent with a type 1 diabetic child can tell you about the difficulties of raising a child with the disease. It requires that you are constantly checking their blood sugar levels, and are always aware of the food that your child is consuming.

One family decided to protect their 4-year-old daughter named Sadie by bringing a diabetic alert dog named Hero into their home.

Sadie loves Hero, and the gentle dog seems to show his affection right back to her. He is also able to tell when her blood sugar levels are dropping to dangerously low levels at which time he alerts her parents.

Hero constantly amazes Sadie’s parents, but what happened on December 2015 amazed everyone.

Sadie was in her special needs classroom 5 miles from home, far enough away that nobody expected Hero to sense her diabetic needs.

“He’s normally a very quiet dog. Whining is not in his protocol. But he just started whining and he would not stop,” Sadie’s mother recently confessed.

Her mother sense that something was wrong and called Sadie’s school and asked them to check the young girl’s blood sugar. They found that she had reached dangerously low levels.

It turns out that Hero is well deserving of his namesake.

“That’s why we’re thankful to have Hero, he’s the one who saves her more times than not,” Sadie’s father told KUTV.

Check out Sadie and Hero together and safe.