At Give It Love we are huge fans of really bad, even awful puns. We love how far people are willing to go with their punny sentences, and we love how much they can annoy their friends with their cheesy lines.
Here are 17 puns that are really awful, but still funny enough to make us laugh out loud.
1. This Guy Wanted His Walls To Be Left ‘Bare’ 2. A Classy Pun For The Well Dressed 3. Capitalizing On Fame, We Actually Love This Pun 4. Great Play On Words, But Still A Terrible Job 5. Shaquille O’Neal Puns – Please Stop! 6. Said No Juan Ever – A Classic! 7. We Love Business Created Puns 8. Another Clever Business Sign – Toad Towing 9. Heavy Metal In A Whole New Light 10. I Noah Guy? 11. Jamaican Me Crazy – Another Classic 12. The “SKIN-NY” On Potato Puns 13. The Cheesiest Interview Of All Time 14. Rollin With My Gnomies – The Perfect Nerd Pun 15. Espresso Patronum? Here You Go Harry Potter Fans 16. Cheesus Christ 17. The Best Wurst You Will Ever Eat